Updated: How to Buy Our Book


EPUB for nook and other readers, $1.99: click here DRM FREE (Please note: When opening this .epub on a Nook, you need to place it in the “My Documents” section, and not in the “My Library” section.)

MOBI for Kindle and other readers, $1.99: click here DRM FREE

SALE! ebook bundle: BIBLIOTHECA FANTASTICA, FISH, IN SITU, CTHULHUROTICA and INEDIBLE SINS (epub or mobi) for only $8.98


Trade paperback, 5″ x 8″, 340 pages, via Amazon, $13.99: click here ISBN-10: 0983137307

KINDLE edition via Amazon, $3.99: click here ASIN: B004GKMID2

KOBO readers can get theirs here (still $3.99)

The first title from independent publisher Dagan Books, Ltd.Cthulhurotica is an exciting anthology of erotic horror, inspired by the writing of H. P. Lovecraft. Edited by Carrie Cuinn, this decadent collection contains unique creations of Mythos fiction, orignal art, and academic essays. With work by Cody Goodfellow, Kenneth Hite, Steven J. Scearce, Silvia Moreno-Garcia, Gabrielle Harbowy, Matthew Marovich, Kirsten Brown, Richard Baron, Don Pizarro, K.V. Taylor, Jennifer Brozek, Galen Dara, Mae Empson, Nathan Crowder, Leon J. West, and many more …

Revised edition contains more than 20 original works of art. (Originally published Jan 1, 2011; revised edition June 2012.)

New reviews! And a reminder about Amazon.

From Amazon:

I’ve been following Lovecraft’s work via movies like ReAnimator and From Beyond. I’ve read a few classic Lovecraft stories and enjoyed them a lot. This erotic horror anthology does an excellent job revering Lovecraft’s mythos while adding some hot sex to the collected tales of women and men encountering creatures from beyond. Arousing and suspenseful. This anthology will definitely appeal to lovers of erotica that like some supernatural mixed in. If you enjoyed Stuart Gordon’s movies based on Lovecraft’s work, you’ll enjoy reading Cthulhurotica.

This has a nice collection of stories that kind of run the gauntlet of horror. As someone who really doesn’t read horror, this was a good way to get used to the genre.

You get exactly what the title suggests, even though I doubt many know the extent of what that means. Eerie, sexy, wild!

Since Amazon no longer allows Cthulhurotica to show up in a search of the site,the print anthology is also not showing up on Goodreads–which seems to think the only way you can get it is as a $100 used book. Not true! You can buy the print edition at Amazon by clicking here (it will take you straight to the listing).

The “H.P. Lovecraft Bronze Bust Project” Kickstarter is now live!

Look, we’re on the poster!

Spearheaded by sculptor Bryan Moore, The H.P. Lovecraft Bronze Bust Project is dedicated to the preservation and celebration of the famous author’s literary legacy. Lovecraft’s cosmic imagination has influenced every region of pop culture including video games, comic books, music and film. After years of hard work, The H.P. Lovecraft Bronze Bust Project has finally secured a location for a life size bronze tribute to Lovecraft at the Providence Athenaeum Library (founded in 1753) and we are looking to his fans and the public to raise the funds needed to place the bust there as a gift of public work on August 22nd, 2013. Please back our project and help give the Dark Prince of Providence the bronze monument he so rightfully deserves.

It has been for four days, actually, but before we got a chance to tell you about it (and the 5 signed/numbered copies of Cthulhurotica we donated as a reward tier) it had already made it’s initial goal. Plus, the copies of Cthulhurotica were one of the first things to be sold out.

We couldn’t have that, so we donated 5 more.

We’re the first to admit that Lovecraft’s work is problematic–the whole inspiration for our anthology was to take his world and do something with it that didn’t exclude all the bits we love. But the undeniable truth is that Lovecraft is inspirational, and this project not only gives thanks to the man for getting a lot of us started, it also brings the community together to create a work of art. Please note that we’re not affiliated with the project in any way (outside of donating books). However, we do support it, and would like you to as well.

The H.P. Lovecraft Bronze Bust Project has stretch goals that allow the sculpture to buy a better pedestal and pay for a higher quality of bronzing, which will help the bust last longer. If we’re going to do this (and we certainly are), let’s do it right.

Click on the link to read more about the people behind it (who also make the award sculptures for the HPL Film Festival), the library where the bust will be installed, and to pledge:


You can also follow the project on Facebook to get regular updates.

We’re Too Sexy For Your Amazon

Have you tried searching Amazon.com for Cthulhurotica lately? When you do, the search bar helpfully fills in “Cthulhurtotica in Books”, “Cthulhurtotica in Books Trade-In”, or “Cthulhurtotica in Kindle” … but then shows you five books which are NOT Cthulhurotica.

In order to get to our book, you have to choose from one of the tiny Department listings on the upper left-hand side. If you click on any of the options listed, only then will you finally get to a page with the print and Kindle versions of our book. Why is Amazon making it difficult to buy a well-reviewed and popular anthology like ours?

We’re too sexy. 


After exchanging several emails we were told that our cover was deemed too adult to be shown on the site, and we were told that a) there’s no record of who made that decision, and b) there is no way to have that decision reconsidered. They’ll sell the book and take your money, but they’re going to make you work for it.

We want the experience of getting your hands on our Lovecraftian erotica to be as easy as possible. So here’s how to buy it:

We prefer you to buy direct from us because our ebooks are always DRM-free. You’ll find the EPUB for nook and other readers, only $3.99: here. You can also get the MOBI file for Kindle and other readers, $3.99: here.

Cthulhurotica also has a NOOK edition via Barnes & Noble, $3.99: here. KOBO readers can get theirs here (still $3.99).

If you want the print version, which is currently available only from Amazon, you can go straight to it here. It’s a 5″ x 8″ trade paperback, 340 pages, with over lots of gorgeous art, for only $13.99 – worth having, and we won’t make you jump through hoops to find it.You can also get the KINDLE edition via Amazon here, $3.99.

We’re sorry for the inconvenience, and thank you for your support.

New praise for Cthulhurotica!

Cthulhurotica got a great new review!

I grant you, by staying away from porn, Cuinn ended up treading a line in many places between Cthulhurotica and Cthulhuromance, which is not necessarily an awful thing at all (the most obvious example of this is Don Pizarro’s “The C-Word”, which, perhaps not coincidentally, ended up being my favorite story in the volume). Not to say that the authors who got down and dirty didn’t do so in ways that will get the reader’s Old Ones up and running; Gabrielle Harbowy’s “Descent of the Wayward Sister” is just delicious, and oh, Mae Empson’s “Between a Rock and an Elder Goddess.”

Read more at Popcorn For Breakfast